Community Level-Based Masking Guidelines (3/15/22)

At the March 15th, 2022 meeting of UIC’s Congregational Council, the Council voted to adopt masking and building policy guidance based on the CDC’s “Community Level” guidelines. This policy will replace the former policy that was based on the CDC’s transmission rate guidelines. The difference between these two metrics is that while the transmission rate guidelines were based solely off of the current pace of new cases in the county, the “Community Level” guidance accounts for the overall strain on the healthcare/hospital system in the area. This metric uses a green-yellow-red phase indicator to offer masking and intervention guidance for response. With this scale, red is a phase of high strain requiring greater intervention, yellow is a phase of medium strain that encourages some intervention, particularly for individuals with ongoing health concerns, and green is a phase of relatively low strain requiring the least amount of preventative measures.

What do these Community Levels mean for United In Christ?

Following the CDC recommendations, UIC will adopt the following adjustments for each phase:

Red Phase:

  • Masks will be expected to be worn at all times while inside the building.
  • Pews will be marked to encourage social distancing.
  • Indoor meal opportunities will be avoided.

Yellow Phase:

  • Masks will be optional while inside the building.
    • Individuals with ongoing health concerns are encouraged to consult their doctor about what masking strategy is appropriate for them.
    • Communion assistants will be asked to wear a mask during the distribution of communion in worship.
  • Pews will remain marked to encourage voluntary social distancing.
  • Indoor meal opportunities will be allowed.

Green Phase:

  • Masks will be optional while inside the building.
  • We will remove the pew markers.
  • Indoor meal opportunities will be allowed.

All Phases:

  • Mask wearing will be seen as a sign of good care for neighbor and for self. Those who would prefer to continue to wearing masks are welcome to do so.
  • HEPA-grade air purifiers will be run throughout worship.
  • Online streaming of worship will continue for anyone who wishes to join from home.
  • If you are feeling sick, we lovingly encourage you to stay home to help keep our community safe, but reach out to let us know so that we can support you with care, prayer, and love!
  • If you have not already, please consider receiving your full COVID-19 vaccine course and keep up with boosters as-needed. While you’re at it, don’t forget to get your seasonal flu shot!

When does this start?

These new guidelines take effect on Monday, March 21st, thus, the first Sunday that will be affected by these guidelines will be Sunday, March 27th! As of writing this, Union County remains in a yellow phase. This means that, barring any major changes, masks will be optional for worship beginning on the 27th.

I’m still confused.

You’re not alone. There is constantly updating information and standards. The Congregational Council has done a magnificent job of trying to stay as up-to-date as possible in order to respond as responsibly as they can. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Pastor Justin or talk to a Council member!



Dear United In Christ,

As we seek to care for this gathering of God’s community at United In Christ in the weeks ahead, we do so with an increased awareness of how the choices made now may have long-range implications for combating and mitigating COVID-19 in our area and across our state. In order to keep everyone as up to date as possible on the measures being taken at and by UIC, this document will be regularly updated to bring you the most recent information regarding the life and ministry of UIC in the days ahead. In following the mitigation strategies for faith communities put forth by the CDC, consulting with local health experts, and staying up to date with the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s COVID-19 Resource Page, we hope to respond with integrity and model behavior incumbent upon the institutions of our area. As stewards of God’s care in these days, we take this role seriously and appreciate your continued understanding and grace as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of this new abnormal normality.

Guidelines for Hybrid Reopening of UIC In-Person Worship

In-Person/Hybrid Worship Guidelines

Tune in to hear about Council's plans for worship and the guidelines we have in place for healthy in-person gatherings for worship.** Edit: One more very important guideline that I missed in the highlights: If you or someone in your household are feeling sick or have any symptoms of being sick, please stay home! We love you and will make sure you have a way to connect with worship wherever you are, but some things just aren't meant to be shared!

Posted by Justin Lingenfelter on Wednesday, July 8, 2020

As of July 12, 2020, UIC will provide hybrid worship services.  The worship service will continue to use the online (virtual) recorded format and offer a projected worship service within the UIC building (fellowship hall).  These guidelines were developed based on CDC and PA DOH guidelines, and recommendations from the Upper Susquehanna Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for communities of faith in the “green zone” of the COVID-19 epidemic.  These guidelines will be amended based on state and county COVID-19 status and recommendations from the CDC and PA DOH.

Entering and exiting UIC building

  • The handicap entrance will be used for entering and exiting the church for worship services. A sign will be placed on the door designating this as the entrance
  • Signs will be posted on the main, kitchen and office entrances instructing worship visitors to enter the building through the handicap entrance
  • A church member will be assigned to hold the door open for worship participants upon entry into the building to reduce risk of virus contamination of door handle
  • Hand sanitizer will be placed inside the door for visitors to use upon entering the building
  • Masks or cloth face coverings must be worn by all individuals while inside the UIC building
  • Masks or cloth face coverings should not be placed on children under 2 years of age (per CD

Utilizing physical space for in-person worship/gathering (promoting social distancing)

  • Individuals must always remain at least 6 feet apart, except for family members living within the same household
  • Chairs in the fellowship hall will be set up on Saturday (Sexton) prior to worship service, maintaining 6 feet between each chair until capacity of the room is reached. If room capacity is reached, the sanctuary will be used with appropriate social distancing measures
  • Limit physical contact, no sharing of the peace will be permitted
  • No social time before or after services
  • Use of other UIC spaces such as kitchen, offices, basement and other worship or meeting spaces will not be permitted. Signs will be placed to indicate this
  • Bathroom use is discouraged. The bathroom in the fellowship hall can be used if necessary
  • Ventilation systems will be adequately maintained by the property committee to ensure appropriate ventilation within all church gathering spaces

Preparing for Worship

  • Pastor or other assigned individual will be responsible for setting up the computer/projector and screen prior to worship
  • Bulletins will be printed prior to worship service. Attendees can pick up bulletin upon entering fellowship hall.  Bulletins should be taken home with attendee
  • Council member or other assigned individual will keep a log of all worship attendees each week, should contact tracing be necessary in the event an attendee becomes infected with COVID-19. Privacy and confidentiality will be maintained
  • No communion or singing will be permitted
  • Offering plate will be placed at the entrance of the fellowship hall. No passing of the plate will be permitted

Cleaning and Disinfection

  • The fellowship hall will be cleaned on Saturday afternoon by the sexton(s) and Monday morning. Products approved for use against COVID-19 will be used for cleaning and disinfecting of all frequently touched surfaces such as chairs, tables, door handles, equipment, floors etc. Appropriate precautions will be taken to ensure safe use of these products.  Disinfecting of these surfaces will also be completed after worship services.
  • After worship service on Sunday, no persons will be permitted to enter the building until after cleaning is completed on Monday.
  • Avoid use of items that are not easily cleaned or disinfected
  • Hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) and tissues will be available for use in the fellowship hall
  • Signs will be posted in the bathrooms outlining proper hand washing procedure
  • A canister of Clorox wipes will be placed in the bathrooms to be used to disinfect surfaces touched or used in the bathrooms
  • Sign will be posted in the fellowship hall bathroom with directions on disinfecting surfaces after use (disinfectant wipes).
  • Precautions will be taken to keep cleaning supplies and disinfectant wipes out of the reach of children

Promoting Healthy Hygiene Practices

  • Any person with signs of illness should not entering the building
  • Any person with previous COVID-19 infection must not enter the building until appropriate quarantine has been completed AND no signs of illness are present
  • Used tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands cleansed with soap and water or hand sanitizer
  • Signs will be posted in the fellowship hall with information on how to stop the spread of COVID-19 and promote every day protective measures such as washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes, and proper use of face coverings

Congregation Update 3/30/20

Congregational Update – 3.30.20

Tune in for an update following the Congregational Council meeting held on 3/29.

Posted by Justin Lingenfelter on Monday, March 30, 2020


The Congregational Council of United In Christ (UIC) gathered for a specially called digital meeting in the evening of Sunday, March 29th to look ahead and make continued decisions regarding the life and ministry of UIC in response to COVID-19:

In-Person Gatherings:

  • Considering the continued recommendations of public health experts, as well as the guidelines being given from the state and federal governments, the Congregational Council voted to extend the hiatus of in-person gatherings in the UIC church building indefinitely.
  • The congregational council will continue to remain in touch and hold digital meetings. When it seems that we are approaching a time when in-person gatherings can resume safely, the Council will gather to make a positive decision about returning to physical gatherings.
  • In the meantime, this indefinite hiatus includes the following:
    • There will be no physical in-person worship services at the UIC building until further notice.
    • There will be no ministries/meetings/gatherings taking place within the building until further notice.
      • One possible exception will be the Baby Steps Diaper Pantry and the essential ministry it provides, particularly in this time when many families are experiencing financial hardship. Ministry leaders will be discussing safety protocols with congregational health professionals to discuss the feasibility of maintaining this ministry in a way that protects both volunteers and patrons alike.
    • In-person Office Hours will remain suspended until further notice.
    • We are asking that individuals refrain from dropping in and out of the building until further notice. If you feel you must go to the building for something using your key, we ask that you contact Pr. Justin, Terri, or a Council member so that we can monitor usage.

Continuity of Operations:

  • At this point, Terri, our parish administrator, has been equipped with the resources she needs to maintain continuity of day-to-day operations from home. Terri will continue to monitor phone lines, the mailbox, email, and other lines of communication for individuals who need to reach the church.
  • The Congregational Council has set up a pattern of counting any offering envelopes received in the mail in order to maintain responsible fiscal continuity while also keeping our volunteers safe.
    • Members are able to continue their weekly practices of financial stewardship by mailing their offering envelopes directly to the church where they will be placed in our locked mailbox for Terri to retrieve and give to our designated counters.
    • Members are also still able to minimize physical overlap by making use of our digital offering resources through Simple go to and click on the green “Give Now” button to place your offering in the digital plate.
  • Those who are able are invited to connect with our digital presence across our Facebook page, group, website, and email chain. See the “Staying Informed” section below for further instruction on how to connect.

Easter Sunday:

  • Recognizing that the continued hiatus of in-person gatherings will almost certainly affect our worship life for Easter Sunday, Council spent some time discussing possible worship scenarios for the day.
  • Justin will be evaluating the feasibility of a “drive-in worship” service on the hill, where members could join for worship, but remain in their vehicles throughout the service in order to maintain healthy distancing.

Entering Phase 2:

  • As we move beyond the acute phase of responding to the immediate needs of continuity, presence, and care following the localized outbreak of COVID-19, the Congregational Council has begun discussions on how to maintain ministry and witness to God’s continued mission for the world for a longer term in the days ahead.
  • Congregational leadership will be spending intentional time and energy in the coming days/weeks discerning how we can best and most safely serve the most vulnerable members of our community in this time. Particularly we will be looking at how to:
    • Support those experiencing food insecurity in our area.
    • Support vulnerable members feeling isolation who cannot leave their homes and are not able to connect with our digital avenues.

Staying Informed:

  • If you are not already a part of United In Christ’s email chain, please send us your email address. Simply send an email to with your name attached so that we can be sure to include you in regular communications in the days ahead.
  • If you have a Facebook profile, follow the congregation’s page for quick updates. Given the ease of updating this page, rapid changes will be readily communicated through this channel. Click here to be directed to the United In Christ Facebook Page.
  • In anticipation of increasing social distancing, members are also invited to connect with our Facebook group as a way of maintaining community in this digital space. Click here to be directed to the United In Christ Facebook Group.
  • In the days ahead, we hope to set up a section on the church’s website designated as “COVID-19 Response” where you can find all this information as well as ongoing updates. You can find the congregation’s website at
  • If you have any other questions or concerns regarding life at UIC, call the church office at (570) 568-2254. Our office voicemail can be reached remotely by our staff and will be monitored, even if no one is physically in the office.

Congregation Update 3/18/20

Congregational Update – 3/18/20

Tune in to receive updates following last night's digital Congregational Council meeting. Stick around afterwards for digital office hours on Zoom. Bring your questions, reflections, or just stop by to say hi!

Posted by Justin Lingenfelter on Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Congregational Council of United In Christ (UIC) met digitally using Zoom in the evening of Tuesday, March 17th. During that meeting, the following decisions were made in relation to the congregation’s ongoing response to COVID-19:


  • After much deliberation and with incredible intentionality and deep regret, the Congregational Council voted to take a hiatus from in-person worship services at least through the end of March. This means that, minimally, there will be no physical services taking place at UIC on Sunday, March 22nd or Sunday, March 29th.
  • For both of the aforementioned Sundays, worship will take place in a digital format across the following platforms:
    • Worship will be prepared and broadcast as a Facebook Live video on both Sundays at 10:00am. Those who wish to take part in those services can find them on the UIC Facebook Page or in the UIC Facebook Group.
    • Worship will also be uploaded to UIC website under the “Sermons” tab. Ideally, this will take place concurrent to the “live” release via Facebook.


  • The Congregational Council also voted to abstain from any in-person ministries, meetings, or gatherings that would take place through the end of March.
    • This applies to both programs of the congregation and programs from outside groups/organizations that use the UIC building.
  • Any ministries/meetings/gatherings that are able to be facilitated in a digital space (e.g. Zoom) are encouraged to do so. For example, the ongoing Lenten Book Study will continue to be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm, however they will take place in digital meetings using the Zoom client.
    • Anyone also wishing to facilitate a ministry/meeting/gathering in this way is encouraged to contact Pr. Justin for assistance in setting it up.

Building Office Hours:

  • Out of safety for the personnel of UIC, particularly our parish administrator, the Congregational Council additionally voted to temporarily cease the maintenance of in-person open office hours within the building.
  • While members are asked to refrain from dropping by the building, telephone, email, and digital access will still be maintained by the church office staff during normal operating hours from 10:00am-2:00pm.
    • The church office can be reached by email at or by phone at (570) 568-2254.

Executive Committee:

  • Recognizing the need for efficient response times to the constantly and rapidly evolving landscape of this virus, the Congregational Council voted to empower the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) to make ongoing decisions with the pastor regarding UIC’s continued response to COVID-19.


  • The Congregational Council committed to holding an additional digital meeting in the evening of Sunday, March 29th at 6:30pm.
  • This meeting will be held in order to reevaluate the above decisions and make additional decisions beyond the above timelines.

Being the Church and Ongoing Care:

  • In the wake of these policies of physical distancing, multiple measure will be taken in the days ahead to engage UIC members to combat social isolation and foster community.
    • Members can expect to see an increase in opportunities to engage one another across social media.
    • Members are invited to join in Pr. Justin’s open digital office hours.
    • Members are invited to immerse themselves in the new forms of worship taking place ahead.
  • In the days ahead, members are invited to live into their baptismal callings to be the church in new and life-giving ways, even if it doesn’t involve gathering on our beloved hill.
  • With a larger impetus being placed on digital presence in the weeks ahead, the Congregational Council particularly recognized that not all members at UIC will have equal ability/access to the shift in resources. As such, the Council has committed to being the church by engaging in weekly phone calls of as many members as possible to check in on one another on a regular basis.

Please know that none of the Congregational Council’s decisions came with ease, but were made with the utmost care as stewards of this community. As we continue this Lenten journey, we trust you will join us is facing this challenge head on and bearing witness to the life-giving Christ who goes ahead of us. While this moment for the Church is undeniably full of challenges, it also has the opportunity to show the world the Church’s true joy as we embrace this pattern of being community in new and innovative ways. Thank you, once again, for your ongoing prayers, support, grace, and understanding as we navigate this journey together. We are grateful for your continued pilgrimage with us in the midst of the unknown.

Congregation Update 3/14/20

COVID-19 Response at UIC

Tune in for updates regarding worship, Turkey and Waffle Dinner, Book Study, and more in the days ahead at UIC as we seek to most responsibly respond to COVID-19.

Posted by Justin Lingenfelter on Saturday, March 14, 2020

Staying Informed:

  • If you are not already a part of United In Christ’s email chain, please send us your email address. Simply send an email to with your name attached so that we can be sure to include you in regular communications in the days ahead.
  • If you have a Facebook profile, follow the congregation’s page for quick updates. Given the ease of updating this page, rapid changes will be readily communicated through this channel. Click here to be directed to the United In Christ Facebook Page.
  • In anticipation of increasing social distancing, members are also invited to connect with our Facebook group as a way of maintaining community in this digital space. Click here to be directed to the United In Christ Facebook Group.
  • In the days ahead, we hope to set up a section on the church’s website designated as “COVID-19 Response” where you can find all this information as well as ongoing updates. You can find the congregation’s website at
  • If you have any other questions or concerns regarding life at UIC, call the church office at (570) 568-2254. Our office voicemail can be reached remotely by our staff and will be monitored, even if no one is physically in the office.


  • Sunday morning worship will be held on March 15th at 10:00am.
  • However, beginning on 3/15, we will also be livestreaming the worship service for individuals to be able to engage in worship safely from home. You will be able to find that stream via Facebook Live by following the UIC Facebook Page or by joining the UIC Facebook group (see above).
    • Recognizing that there will be a major spike in congregations across the state and country trying to livestream worship this Sunday via Facebook Live, there is a chance that the stream will crash on Sunday. In the event that the livestream breaks down, a backup recording will be uploaded later in the day.
  • For those gathering in person, Sunday’s service will also include the following measures to reduce the potential spread of contagions:
    • The worship service itself will be abbreviated to reduce time spent in proximity.
    • Those gathered will be asked to spread out across the sanctuary in order to maximize social distancing within our space.
    • During the sharing of the peace, we will engage in methods of extending signs of Christ’s peace without physical contact.
    • The offering plates will not be physically passed during that part of worship. Instead plates will be placed at the entrances to the sanctuary where individuals and households can place their envelopes at the start or end of worship.
    • Households and individuals may also make use of our most hygienic option of offering by giving securely online through Simply go to and click the “Give Now” button to place you offering online!
  • There will be no gathering of adult forum this coming Sunday.
  • There will be no fellowship hour following worship this Sunday.

Church Council:

  • Church Council will still plan to meet this coming Tuesday at 6:30pm.
  • As of right now, Council will plan to meet in the fellowship hall in a spread out design to ensure everyone is able to maintain safe distancing.
  • In the event that such physical gathering no longer seems appropriate, we will meet in a digital format.
  • Further actions, plans, and contingencies in response to COVID-19 will be a large part of the evening’s agenda.
  • This includes the role and model of worship for the Sundays ahead.
  • Please check back in after Tuesday’s meeting for updated information.
  • Book Study:
  • Book Study will not take place in-person this coming Wednesday (3/18).
    • Our continued study of Dear Church on Wednesday nights will take on a new form beginning this week using the digital meeting space called Zoom.
    • Participants in our study should look to their email on Monday to find further instructions on how to join us for that study.

Youth Group and Junior Group:

  • Following the announcement by Gov. Wolf regarding the closure of Pennsylvania schools for at least the next two weeks, both in-person Youth Group and Junior Group are cancelled for Sunday, March 22nd.
  • Justin will be looking into ways for our students to gather together in digital spaces for the days ahead.
  • Digital native students who have recommendations or creative ideas on how to host community in this way are invited to reach out to Pr. Justin. No idea is too far out there!

Glimmers of Joy:

  • Despite the difficulties and challenges ahead for us as a faith community, please know that we are not without courage and hope. While we are taking these actions as a course of responsibility, we trust in the risen Christ who meet us in the midst of this very such messiness and disruption to show us new life. Signs of such new life among us are already appearing:
    • Next Sunday (3/22), whether witnessed physically by the members of the body of Christ or whether surrounded by the great (digital) cloud of witnesses, we are excited to celebrate the new life begun in Adelaide Koch on the occasion of her baptism in our community.
    • Tentatively scheduled for Palm Sunday (4/5), we also look forward to the welcome of ten new members to our congregation, including two through baptism on that day!

Please know that while many of these measure call for an increase in social distancing from one another, this does not require we be socially isolated from one another. Thankfully we have many tools to still be able to connect with one another, even if we cannot be physically present. To that end, please know that not only do I call and text on my phone, I can also Skype, Facetime, Zoom, or call on Discord. I am more than happy to make use of this tele and video-communication options in the days ahead! Please do not hesitate to reach out!

Thank you all for your continued support of one another in the midst of this disruptive time. In the days ahead, I would ask for your continued doses of grace and flexibility as we respond to an ever-changing situation. Know that I am grateful for you and your partnership in this ministry together.

Yours, united in Christ,
~ Pr. Justin

For more information on COVID-19 Responses visit: