On December 13, 2020 we welcomed 13 new members!

Starting at the top left we welcome Tara Condit and her daughter Kendall, Dale and Cheryl Robuck, Mary Lou Keifer, Bob and Theresa Furman, Ron and Linda Mowery, and Chad, Terri, Mya, and Dylan Cromwell


As we moved closer to the 2020 presidential election, it felt to many as if we had never been more divided within our country, within our communities, and even within our own households.

The questions posed to us on 2020’s tickets ran deep and stirred within us visceral convictions of what must be done. Yet, in that short time, people of genuinely good faith would arrive at the polls to cast their ballots towards both sides, candidates, and parties. Faith-filled folks would be voting for both candidates and both parties, so how do we find new life together when it feels like there would have to be winners and losers among us?

As people of faith, then, we know that no matter which way we have voted, no matter which way our neighbors have voted, we are one together in the Christ who claims us.

As we looked to answer the questions of how we would live as one community beginning November 4th and beyond, we made sure we started off on the right footing with Christ as our cornerstone in our life together no matter those results.

In order to be reminded of that sure-footing together, we joined with the community of faith in the Milton Lutheran Parish for two joint services of unity bookending the election.

On Monday, November 2 we held a socially distanced parking lot worship service at United In Christ was joined by Pr. Gary Schaeffer and the Milton Parish to worship together and remember the baptism by which we have all been claimed together in the community of Christ. From this steadfast remembrance, we would then head to the polls on November 3rd in our acts of civil responsibility.

Following election day on Wednesday, November 4 we held a socially distanced parking lot worship service at Christ Lutheran Church in Milton.  There we joined in a service of Holy Communion where we remembered that, no matter the events or results of the day prior, we are all joined in the one body of Christ. There we were met by the one who comes to sustain us, nourish us, and reconcile us one to another for our shared life together.


We held a contactless drive up and drop off school supplies for Milton School District.  Kathy’s car was PACKED to the brim when she went to drop off the supplies yesterday!

UIC helped at the Youth Food Distribution on Friday, August 21.
They packed up about 30 large grocery bags of food for Lewisburg kids.  The Rich Huff Fund provided the fresh produce.


UIC was contacted by a critical care physician from a local hospital to sew HEPA Masks.  Six members sewed approximately 180 masks out of HEPA vacuum bags.


Then Covid hit!  You can read about United In Christ’s response here.  UIC went digital and learned how to Zoom.  Pastor Justin did an amazing job keeping us all connected.



A couple from Sunbury who were downsizing wanted to donate their 130 year old baby grand piano to a faith community.  UIC has been blessed with the incredible gift. 


On Tuesday, February 25 UIC gathered with our neighbors from Saint Paul’s UCC after the conclusion of our joint Mr. Rogers study! We gathered to share in a Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast dinner and to watch the new movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks as Mr. Fred Rogers!




On Sunday, February 23 we had another “Faith and Fun Worship” service! This service was designed to invite our students who traditionally come forward during the children’s sermon to have a more hands-on role throughout the service. We still had all of the pieces we come to expect during worship (confession, forgiveness, hymns, communion, etc.), but we packaged them in new ways to help reinforce these pieces in tactile ways for our students. This month’s dazzling display of Transfiguration sure grabbed everyone’s attention!

On Sunday, February 23 we said Thank You to Terry Snyder for his 4 1/2 years of service as the church’s Sexton.


The Girl Scouts held a diaper drive at the Campus Theatre as one of their service projects.



See what happened in 2019