Our hearts are full after the incredible day we had here at United In Christ on Sunday, December 15! It all began when our youngest students (5th grade and under) shared the gifts God has given them by leading us in worship from the beginning to the end of the entire service! 



We took the joy of our community on the road to visit and sing carols with some of our members who aren’t able join us on a Sunday morning!


A log house of worship was built and ready for use in 1819.  It was named St. Peter’s Union Church.  The building served two congregations, the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation and the German Reformed Congregation.

On Sunday, November 17th we celebrated 200 years of worshiping on the hill with a joint breakfast and worship service.


On October 27 we had a Faith and Fun Day at UIC.  Check out the photos from that Sunday.


Thank you to everyone that donated to our back-to-school drive.  The backpacks and supplies were blessed during worship on Sunday, August 18.  The backpacks have been taken to the Milton School District and will be given to needy elementary children within the district.

We also blessed the 30 comfort bags that our Faith and Fun Day kids put together for Union County Children and Youth services.  These bags will be given to children when Children and Youth need to intervene in their lives.


What a great way to celebrate the end of summer.  We reserved a pavilion at Halfway Dam on Saturday, August 17. 

The weather was beautiful, but the best part was the time we got to spend together!

Jolynn, thank you for creating this wonderful cake!

It was a great day!




We had a few work days this past month.  A huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped!!

Ken Criswell and Frank Danowsky removed railroad ties and overgrown shrubs.  Now Pastor Justin and Terri can see out their windows.


The flowers beds got some much needed TLC.

They got the fellowship hall ready to paint.  The old wood room dividers are outa here!  The fellowship hall looks so much bigger with them gone.


An anonymous donation went toward a new air condition for the fellowship hall.

We painted the trim and walls in the fellowship hall and choir room.


This is why we painted before the new floor got installed. Whoever said painting isn’t fun never painted with this awesome crew!!

The carpet was removed and the floor sanded in preparation for the new flooring.

It looks AWESOME!!





May we delight in your will and walk in your ways.  May we magnify you for all of our days!



From July 15-19, UIC sent a group to Buffalo, NY for a week of service opportunities within the city. Check out the pictures to see the projects we worked on and some of the fun we had along the way!

Welcome to Parkside Lutheran Church, our hosts for the week!

Pastor Justin with Pastor Jeremiah

Monday, July 15, 2019

Our first project was to fill a series of tiny libraries scattered across the city with donations collected through Parkside! Check out all of the cool tiny library designs!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Pastor Jeremiah took us for a tour of Buffalo.  He even took us to meet Buffalo’s own native Shark Girl!


Just a few blocks from Parkside, we discovered there was a Frank Lloyd Wright house called the Martin Home. So of course we stopped in!

On Tuesday night, our group bought the ingredients for and assembled over 100 burritos for Buffalo’s Burrito Project. Pastor Jeremiah then led us on a three-mile loop through the city that evening distributing the burritos to those experiencing homelessness with no questions asked. This included a stop at the city’s bus terminal where about 40 individuals came by for burritos, water, granola bars, and even some additional toiletries. While we maintained a policy of not taking photos of or with the clients during the route, know that this experience was incredibly moving for our crew.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On Wednesday and Thursday, we worked with Habitat for Humanity Buffalo on two homes in the city. Our tasks rangeed from staining porches, clearing work zones, and painting doors to putting on shed roofs and doors and putting up tyvek and insulation on the side of a home.

The rain didn’t even stop us!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

On Thursday we worked with Habitat for Humanity Buffalo.
Our tasks were putting on shed roofs and doors and putting up tyvek and insulation on the side of a home.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Finally, before heading home we had to make one stop at Niagara Falls and board the Maid of the Mist!



On July 14th we recognized our High School Graduates from United In Christ! This year we celebrate Amy Danowsky’s, Dustin Kemper’s, and Dalton Shearer’s graduations!



Congratulations to our youth that graduated this year, Amy Danowsky, Dalton Shearer, and Dustin Kemper (not pictured).

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Our 3rd Faith and Fun Day

The oldest and youngest “children” at UIC’s 3rd Faith and Fun Day, hanging on the swings.


Thanks to our young Faith and and Fun day participants, UIC’s generosity, and a Thrivent grant, we were able to fill 30 comfort bags for Union County Children and Youth services.


Every year Bucknell’s Community Services Office provides a Lunch and Learn Program at the Meadowview and Essex Place Low Income Housing. While the “learning” is provided by Buck-nell University, various Lewisburg area churches provide bag lunches. United In Christ provided bag lunches for this program Mon., June 24 through Thu., June 27. The Rich Huff Fund has generously purchased the food for the lunches and Ruby Baker delivered the lunches each day.

Thank you to those that stayed after worship and helped put the lunches together!

We are excited to announce our debut summer series of “Faith and Fun Days” here at UIC! Our “Faith and Fun Days” serve as opportunities of fun faith formation for students from K-6th grade. Each day our students will gather at the church for stories, songs, and crafts grounded in the free ELCA curriculum titled “Who Is My Neighbor?” After spending the morning together at the church, each day we will then take a field trip to a neighbor-hood playground in the Susquehanna Valley for some time of fun and games! Students are invited to bring a packed lunch and join us for any or all of the days scheduled throughout the summer! Our whole UIC family is also invited to join us for our last day (Saturday, August

Mark your calendars now for these great opportunities!

Monday, June 17th: 10am-2pm
Monday, July 8th: 10am-2pm
Monday, July 22nd: 10am-2pm
Monday, August 12th: 10am-2pm
Saturday, August 17th: – 10am-2pm

Even if you don’t have students looking to participate in a “Faith and Fun Day,” there are still plenty of ways you can participate.

  • Volunteer to help drive students to and from a playground on any given day.
  • Volunteer as a helping hand for crafts and activities.
  • Volunteer as an extra set of eyes while at the playground.
  • Help sponsor some of the students’ crafts and activities by purchasing supplies posted on the display in the fellowship hall.

Be sure to check out the display in the fellowship hall for more information on our “Faith and Fun Days!” If you or your student have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to touch base with either Pastor Justin or Sherry Bingaman! We hope to see you this summer!

Here are some pictures from our 1st Faith and Fun Day on Monday, June 17th.  We had 5 kids attend.



On Friday, June 14, all of the sons of our Lord were celebrated.  We had around 15 sons attended the Sons Banquet.

Thank you ladies, and Gabbie, we helping setup, serve, and clean up!  We served salad, lasagna, garlic bread, ice tea, and ice cream.
Kathy Guffey and Lisa Rabuck made the lasagna.

Officer Eric Leaman and his K-9, Officer Charlie, attended.  Office Leaman spoke about what Charlie does and gave a demonstration.
Officer Leaman hid a small amount of marijuana and Office Charlie found it in no time.


Gabby Heckman read a Father’s Day poem and gave the blessing. 


By our math, this crew unloaded and stocked 31,806 diapers and 117,504 baby wipes!

Thank you to all those who continue the vital ministry of the Baby Steps Diaper Pantry. Well done!

Our youth and volunteers spent Sunday, May 19 up at Camp Mount Luther cleaning out UIC’s sponsored cabin. Many hands made light work as we made the cabin clean and ready for this summer’s campers!


The Rich Huff Fund of United In Christ Lutheran Church, Lewisburg, awarded five students with $500 scholarships from the Rich Huff Scholarship Fund.  The fund was established in 2013 in memory of Rich Huff, a beloved member of the congregation who died as a result of complications following a house fire.  Rich had played Santa Claus for years at the Lycoming Mall and other venues and had a great love of children.  The fund helps children in need in our area, and these scholarships are intended to recognize the efforts of students who demonstrate the spirit of helping children.

Congratulations to Dalton Shearer, Milton School District; Romeo Mong, Milton School District; Callista Dyer, Milton School District; Amy Danowsky, Lewisburg School District; and Alexa Hackenburg, Mifflinburg School District.


On Monday, May 20, Pastor Justin and Ruby Baker traveled to Harrisburg where they spent the day alongside dozens of other Lutherans learning about the role of advocacy in the State Capitol and even meeting with the staff of our state senator to discuss maintaining the priorities of food assistance and food security for our communities in the upcoming PA Budget sessions.


On Sunday, May 12th we celebrated the baptism of John Thomas Albert Heckman, born on February 25, 2019. We are glad to share the joy of what God is doing alongside John’s parents, Jolynn and Brian Heckman, and his sister, Gabrielah!

We were thrilled to welcome Bishop BJ Collins who lead us in worship!
Thank you, Bishop, for being with us today and for all of your incredible work on behalf of the Upper Susquehanna Synod!


On Friday, May 10, all of the daughters of our Lord were celebrated. We had about 65 attend the Daughters Banquet.

Mark Rabuck cooked and served us pork tenderloin, roasted potatoes, peas, coleslaw, and ice cream sundaes for dessert.

The men set everything up, served the meal, and cleaned up afterward.

Lisa Rabuck made us all scented soaps in the shape of a heart.

After dinner each table was given tissue paper, a roll of toilet paper, and scotch tape.  Look at our beautiful creations!!

We had so much fun.  Thank you to everyone that helped with this year’s Daughters Banquet!!!


Our egg hunt was a success.  We had about 14 kids this year.

The White Deer Fire Company stopped by and brought the Easter Bunny with them!


On Sunday, March 31, we welcomed 6 new members to United In Christ.  Jeff and Donna Byerly, Sherry Bingaman, and Brian, Jolynn and Gabbie Heckman.


A congregational meeting will be held February 24, after worship to hear 2018 Committee Reports, and the audit report.

2018 Annual Report


Starting on Wed., February 13 at 6:00pm, we will gather each week for Soup & Study as we work our way through lifelong-Lutheran Jacqueline Bussie’s new book, Love Without Limits. Taking a chapter each week, we will hear about the ways in which God’s boundary-defying love challenges us to love even those who might seem least deserving of such love. As we carry this book through our Lenten journey, we will also come to recognize the ways in which we have fallen short of such a lofty goal, even as we march towards the perfect love shown to greet us in our Easter hope.

Look for the signup sheets in the fellowship hall.
Copies of the book are $15 each (see Pastor Justin to order)

From the publisher: “Every day, millions of people lament the loss of civility, respect, and hope, and they wonder if it’s possible to cultivate a love big enough to overthrow hate and heal our hurts. With courage, authenticity, and relevance, Jacqueline A. Bussie proclaims, “Yes! It’s possible!” and urges readers to widen love’s wingspan and to love as God loves–without limits or exceptions.

In Love Without Limits, Bussie imparts practical solutions for people of faith who yearn to love across division and difference in these troubled times. Through poignant personal memoir, engaging theological reflection, inspiring true stories of boundary-busting friendships, creative readings of scripture, and surprising shout-outs to some of love’s unsung heroes, Bussie challenges readers to answer God’s call to practice a love so deep, it subverts the social order; so radical, it scandalizes the powerful; so vast, it excludes no one.”


See what happened in 2018